Tag: improvisation

Always Trust

I am often asked, “so how do you start?  What is the first step to ‘Yes, And…’?” Instructing people to simply say, “yes”, to everything, is seldom the way to truly attain everything Yes, And represents.  In fact it isn’t even the, “Yes, And”, that should necessarily receive our focus.  It is really the opposite.…
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June 27, 2018 0

The worst gifts can be the best!

As Christmas comes to a close and we set forth into a new year, perhaps there is time to play with your new toys, cash in that certificate or even return those items you didn’t want for cash to get what you really, “need”. As you decide how your gifts work or what to do…
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January 5, 2018 0

Say Yes to your Wife

Agreement!  It is a soothing calming force on any relationship. But getting to that point takes effort, or can take an effort in some of our daily relationships.  Think about a time when there wasn’t agreement between co-workers, family or friends, there is very often a tension, like a rubber band expanded around all of…
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July 31, 2017 1

Living the Group

You know the person who has to be funniest in the group, most intelligent, have the best idea or just be flat out the BEST? Living the self may work for them, but living the group is more effective, creative and innovative. The Group Leader. Read those three words above one more time.  How do…
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July 18, 2017 0

Sorry, I heard that, but I wasn’t listening …

Hearing and listening are not the same. In fact, they live on different planes of existence and consciousness.  Hearing is an automatic response done by one sense, that only one sense can do. This function could be compared to breathing daily or getting goose bumps as a cool breeze passes- the body does these things on its…
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July 8, 2017 0

Brilliant people

Do you surround yourself with brilliant people?  Why not? Do you consider yourself brilliant?  Why not? In order for you to achieve your true potential, you must not only come to terms with the brilliance within you, but also surround yourself by the brilliance of others.  Now, don’t misinterpret my words. In no means do…
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July 6, 2017 0

Failure on the Fourth of July

The Fourth of July … we celebrate it!  But do we truly understand the risk/failure proportions that might have been? All those years ago, the founding fathers underwent a massive experiment.  That experiment has come to be known as the United States of America, and more specifically the structure of government we know today as…
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July 3, 2017 0

A better father with improvisation.

Have you ever freely played in the moment with your children?  Told a story that you didn’t know what the ending was going to be? That is the essence of living! I would rate myself a solid 7 as a parent.  I am slightly better than average, but there are probably superstar parents out there…
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June 18, 2017 1

Once there was a bully improviser (part 2)

I don’t know that I have ever actually met one. If ever there was a group of people who inherently train away from being a bully, this is that group.  To understand why bullying happens, we must first understand the bully.  According to ditchthelabel.org, “those who bully are far more likely than average to have…
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June 5, 2017 0